This module introduces classes for handling different clusters.

  • Cluster(kube_config_path) Represents an abstract cluster.</>
  • ExistingCluster Implementation of Cluster that uses kube.config file to connect to external existing cluster.</>
abstract class


Represents an abstract cluster.

  • kube_config_path (str, optional)
  • _kube_client
  • kube_client (HTTPClient, optional) Returns the HTTP client you can use to access Kubernetes API of the cluster under test.
    Please refer to pykube to get docs for HTTPClient.</>
  • kube_config_path
  • create() (HTTPClient) Creates an instance of a cluster and returns HTTPClient to connect to it.</>
  • destroy() Destroys the cluster created earlier with a call to create.</>
  • kubectl(subcmd_string, std_input, output_format, use_shell, **kwargs) (str) Execute command by running 'kubectl' binary.</>
abstract method

create() → HTTPClient

Creates an instance of a cluster and returns HTTPClient to connect to it.

abstract method


Destroys the cluster created earlier with a call to create.


kubectl(subcmd_string, std_input='', output_format='json', use_shell=False, **kwargs)

Execute command by running 'kubectl' binary.

If your cluster delivers the kube.config file, run a kubectl command against the cluster and return the output. Otherwise, exception is raised.

  • subcmd_string (str) Command to run, like "delete pod abc"
  • std_input (str) Use this to pass a manifest file directly as a string (results in 'kubectl [cmd] -f -')
  • output_format (str) Option "--output" as passed to 'kubectl'. Default is 'json', make sure to change to "" for commands that don't return JSON.
  • use_shell (bool, optional) Whether the 'kubectl' command should be invoked directly (when 'False') or wrapped in system shell ('True'). 'False' by default.
  • **kwargs (str)
  • kwargs arbitrary dictionary of options and values that will be passed directly to 'kubectl'
Returns (str)

The output printed by 'kubectl', if the command succeeded (exit code was 0)

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError If the command exited with non-zero exit code


Implementation of Cluster that uses kube.config file to connect to external existing cluster.

  • kube_config_path (str)
  • _kube_client
  • kube_client (HTTPClient, optional) Returns the HTTP client you can use to access Kubernetes API of the cluster under test.
    Please refer to pykube to get docs for HTTPClient.</>
  • kube_config_path
  • create() (HTTPClient) Creates an instance of a cluster and returns HTTPClient to connect to it.</>
  • destroy() Destroys the cluster created earlier with a call to create.</>
  • kubectl(subcmd_string, std_input, output_format, use_shell, **kwargs) (str) Execute command by running 'kubectl' binary.</>

kubectl(subcmd_string, std_input='', output_format='json', use_shell=False, **kwargs)

Execute command by running 'kubectl' binary.

If your cluster delivers the kube.config file, run a kubectl command against the cluster and return the output. Otherwise, exception is raised.

  • subcmd_string (str) Command to run, like "delete pod abc"
  • std_input (str) Use this to pass a manifest file directly as a string (results in 'kubectl [cmd] -f -')
  • output_format (str) Option "--output" as passed to 'kubectl'. Default is 'json', make sure to change to "" for commands that don't return JSON.
  • use_shell (bool, optional) Whether the 'kubectl' command should be invoked directly (when 'False') or wrapped in system shell ('True'). 'False' by default.
  • **kwargs (str)
Returns (str)

The output printed by 'kubectl', if the command succeeded (exit code was 0)

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError If the command exited with non-zero exit code

create() → HTTPClient

Creates an instance of a cluster and returns HTTPClient to connect to it.



Destroys the cluster created earlier with a call to create.