This package provides tools for working and testing helm charts.

Different utilities required over the whole testing lib.

  • delete_and_wait_for_objects(kube_client, obj_type, objects_to_del, timeout_sec) For each object in objects_to_delete, make an API call to delete it, then wait until the object is gone from k8s API server.</>
  • wait_for_objects_condition(kube_client, obj_type, obj_names, objs_namespace, obj_condition_func, timeout_sec, missing_ok, failure_condition_func) (list) Block until all the kubernetes objects of type obj_type pass obj_condition_fun or timeout is reached. If objs_namespace is None, objects are treated as cluster-scope, otherwise as namespace-scope. If optional failure_condition_func is passed, it is executed when objects are refreshed and if it evaluates to True, it throws ObjectStatusError exception.</>

This module defines fixtures for testing Helm Charts.

  • chart_path(pytestconfig) (str) Return a path to the chart under test (from command line argument).</>
  • chart_version(pytestconfig) (str) Return a value that needs to be used as chart version override (from command line argument).</>
  • cluster_type(pytestconfig) (str) Return a type of cluster used for testing (from command line argument).</>
  • cluster_version(pytestconfig) (str) Return a type of cluster used for testing (from command line argument).</>
  • kube_cluster(kube_config) (Cluster) Return a ready Cluster object, which can already be used in test to connect to the cluster. Specific implementation used to provide the cluster depends on the '--cluster-type' command line option.</>
  • kube_config(pytestconfig) (str) Return a path to the kube.config file that points to a running cluster with app catalog platform tools already installed.</>
  • test_extra_info(pytestconfig) (dict(str: str)) Return an optional dict of variable names and values passed to the test using either the --extra-test-info cmd line option or env vars prefixed with 'ATS_EXTRA_'.</>
  • values_file_path(pytestconfig) (str) Return a path to the yaml file that needs to be used to configure chart under test (from command line argument).</>

This module introduces classes for handling different clusters.

  • Cluster(kube_config_path) Represents an abstract cluster.</>
  • ExistingCluster Implementation of Cluster that uses kube.config file to connect to external existing cluster.</>

This package contains modules for working with standard kubernetes API objects

This package includes fixtures and utilities to work with Flux CD.

This package includes utilities to work with Giant Swarm application platform.